Sunday, February 21, 2010

Off to Port au Prince

Saturday 20 February: Today was a productive day. I was able to go to Port de Paix to purchase plane tickets to go to Port au Prince tomorrow. In the afternoon I worked on gas burners I brought down. I will finish up this job Monday. We did all the cutting and welding today. Monday will hook up the gas. I am anxious to see if the system works. We also unloaded a truckload of charcoal for cooking. Charcoal has been hard to get with the heavy rains. The price of fuel has driven the cost up as well. By using these propane burners we hope to have the charcoal last longer. Tomorrow I will be traveling with Carl Evans a student who grew up at House of Hope (HOH) and now is studying in Port au Prince., He was in Port when the earthquake hit but escaped unharmed. The house he was staying in was partially destroyed. He would like to see if his school will reopen and he would like to check on the family he was staying with. I will stay with this same family for the night on Sunday. I am going to spend the day visiting and hopefully getting a chance to see my friend Robert. Please pray for this trip. We leave on the first flight and should arrive in Port at 7:30am. This will give me all day to spend in Port. The HOH donated a full suitcase of supplies to send down with Carl and I to give to the family that lost their home. I was given a tent while I was in Ft. Pierce in case I met someone who needed one. There are family members sleeping in the yard who could use it. I plan to return on the first flight up to Port de Paix to return to the HOH for the rest of my time here in Haiti. I will not be able to post again until Monday night. Thank you for your prayers. If you have not received a Door of Hope prayer card for your refrigerator and would like to please email us your address at and we will send you one.

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