Sunday, February 28, 2010

A Great Story

Wednesday 24 February: Today is my last full day in Haiti. I spent it wrapping up various little projects and answering the question “Kile w’aptounnen?” When are coming back? It is all part of the process. I was able to get the gas grill up and running with the only problem being there is no propane just now. "The truck is coming," is all I’m told. So is Christmas. There are still the charcoal burners and we did get a load of charcoal from Cap Haitien the other day. I am sure we all will eat well for awhile. Let me tell you a great story. The House of Hope welcomed its first 2 IDP’s on Monday. Internally Displaced People are those who for various reasons have left Port au Prince. Some out of fear; some out of misery; and some out of necessity have left the hope of a better life in the city. A 17 year old boy and a nine year old girl were brought in by recommendation. It has been really hard getting kids to come up here. The missionaries in the news who were caught at the border to the Dominican taking kids there has really hampered many established works in their mission. The reaction of UNICEF has been to take over all placement of IDP children and they are excluding the non-profits from the list of optional relocation sites since they are unregulated. Notwithstanding all of this political palaver the Lord has worked uniquely to make a way for the HOH to receive Biterson and Dieunica to join us. Biterson known as “Son-son” has come through a very tragic ordeal. The school he was in at the time of the earthquake completely collapsed claiming many deaths. Son-son was trapped in the building for 8 hours until he was found. He and two other classmates were taken out alive the other 40 in his class perished. He suffered a significant injury to his collar bone which has left his right arm with limited mobility. He also had an injury to his right eye. Upon his recovery he learned the devastating news that his entire family, his mother, brother and 2 cousins died in their home when it collapsed on them. He has never known his father. Our heavenly Father placed him in the path of a health care professional who knew Leah Beidler who in turn recommended that they get him up to the House of Hope. What providence! How great is God? He arrived really depressed after all the things that had happened to him. He lay on his bed alone trying to put everything together. One of our boys here at the HOH named Joseph, aged 19 asked if we thought it was a good idea to go and tell Son-son his story. 2 years ago Joseph was the only one is his family to survive the hurricanes that hammered Haiti. His whole family had gone up on the roof to escape the rising waters while Joseph’s brother helped him climb up a tree. Joseph climbed up high hanging for his life only to hear the screams of his family as they were all swept away. Joseph like Biterson has a story, he is not alone here. Each one has a story. He is not alone anymore. Hosea 2:15 says: “I will turn the valley of troubles into a door of hope.” I’m watching that happen.

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