Saturday, July 31, 2010


The photo was taken on my last trip to Haiti in February of this year. You can barely make out the end of the word “help.” Evidently their can of spray paint went empty before their plea was finished so they used a piece of charcoal which the rain has since washed away. There is a lot to this picture even though it is poorly taken. I’m not much of a photographer. Six months have come and gone since the earthquake of January 12th. I reflect on this thought…that the Lord shakes the earth when and where He wants, it is His. He has been shaking it a lot lately, hasn’t He? Check out Psalms 18: 7 and Haggai 2:7. It certainly gets hold of our attention. How long does the attention last? When was the last time you read anything about Haiti in the news or saw something on the TV about it? Haiti is still there. George Orwell in his essay entitled “Marrakech” written in 1939 wrote, “People with brown skin are next door to invisible.” Haiti is our next door neighbor, I feel their invisibility. Maybe Orwell was more right than we would like to admit. Out of sight, out of mind it is said. Not out of my sight, nor are they out of my mind. They still need our help. Door of Hope will be there.

WHAT’S NEXT? I will be returning to Haiti for a 6 day trip. I will leave August 4th and return August 9th. This opportunity just came up and it came up fast! I need you to pray for me, that is why I am posting. Will you do that? Please pray because I have so much to do before I leave at home, at work and just plain getting ready to go to Haiti. While I am at the House of Hope. I HopeI will be spending time in planning meetings for our new project at “Hope Village.” I have been drawing up site plans as well as drawing up the individual houses. Since I am a member of the Board for this project it is important from time to time for me to go and review the project. Hope Village Haiti is a very exciting project have you checked out their blogsite ?

ONE MORE THING… It has been a long time goal of ours to begin helping some of our young men and women start small business enterprises. We are going work with one of the older guys at the House of Hope to pilot a small business. Recently someone donated a very nice key duplication machine to Door of Hope; they also donated 150 blank keys to help get them started. I will be bringing all this down with me and training one of the guys on how to run it. They say there is no one in town or in the area that can make keys. I’ll keep you posted. Please pray for this endeavor.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

God’s Heart For The Poor Is Huge

Today, I’m writing on my blog, from my heart. Letting you in…except I don’t know who I am letting in. It feels like I am writing to nobody and sending it nowhere hoping someone will read it, kind of like a cyber message in a bottle.

What would make good story for you to read is the non-public side of my life, the inside, the part of me that I protect. It would expose my life that is filled with pride, the bullheadedness of a man often too big for his own britches; a faithless man surprised by a flawlessly faithful God. Having faith in God who is able to do exceeding beyond all that you ask or think. Sounds good to me. But it doesn’t work for me. Let me tell ya, I can very easily understand wandering in the wilderness for 40 years. I hope I get it on to before that. I don’t even have 40 years left!

I am going back to Haiti Wednesday, August 4th and returning on the 9th. Many people know this because I have sent letters asking them to consider giving to the poor and to help the people of Haiti through this ministry. Every time I write, I really feel like I have worn out my welcome because I go so often, at least two or three times a year. If I only went once a year it might be more tolerable. But I keep going to Haiti, and I keep writing letters. Each time I do I think that I will receive very little or no financial support to bring along to those in real need, the people I know and the people I want to help. I’ve said to myself, “Your trip was too last minute; there is a ton of people going on short term missions during the summer, they got their letters out ahead of you; did you ever hear of donor fatigue; unemployment; too much month not enough money; recession; revolving credit debt?” You name it, I have thought of it. Notwithstanding any doubt of mine, any faithless thought of mine, God’s heart for the poor is huge. He provides for their every need. In the 10 days since I sent out my first letter for this trip, God has been graciously surprising me, “again” with His faithfulness and generosity.

Being “surprised” by His provisions is sad. Thankfully, His Grace is sufficient, and this blog post can be more about His faithfulness than mine.